Friday, February 08, 2008

Ugg Sock for Popsicle Feet

There are times when I jump in bed and my feet are frozen! They are like ice, hence the "Popsicle feet" reference.

How to warm up my feet, tucking them anywhere near my DH is not satisfactory and he really does not like it. I must confess I don't like him doing the same to me either. As a matter of fact I've been known to get hostile about even thinking of doing such.... the solution is the Ugg Sock.

I knitted a giant sock, size 13 needles DK weight wool yarn and tossed them in the washing machine to shrink/felt. Then I needle felted fleece to the inside.

The softest and warmest of all. Warm toes for me, and yes I made DH a pair too.

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